The maximum genetic diversity (MGD) hypothesis considers the molecular clock and the neutral theory incorrect for macroevolution. Thus the genetic relationship or SNP diversity data among human races has yet to be correctly interpreted. We are presently working on a correct one based on the MGD hypothesis.
This week Nature published genome sequences of a few South Africans. "Complete Khoisan and Bantu genomes from southern Africa" By Stephan C. Schuster et al. Nature Feb 18, 2010, 463: 944
The paper showed a few African pictures as shown above (a, KB1/Tuu speaker; b, NB1/Hoansi; c, TK1/hoansi) It strikes me that they look just like Chinese if one disregards the curly hair and skin color. I post two Chinese pictures for comparison (D, famous 1980 oil painting "Father" by Luo Zhongli; E, a random Chinese photo from the internet).
Based on facial features, it looks extremely reasonable that Africans and East Asians belong to a clade to the exclusion of Europeans. Below is a comparison of morphological features among the three major human populations or races:
| Europeans
| Africans
| East Asians
Eye color brown
| +
| +
Skin color black-brown
| +
| +
Hair color black
| +
| +
Full lip
| +
| +
Nose wide/low
| +
| +
Cheekbones large
| +
| +
Chin less protruding
| +
| +
Broad face
| +
| +
Mandible angle
| +
| +
Teeth larger
| +
| +
Less hairy
| +
| +
Brow ridge
| Large (primitive)
| In between
| small
Skull length/shape
| Long and narrow
| In between
| Short and wide
Shovel teeth
| 5%
| In between (10%)
| 80%
It is now up to us and the MGD hypothesis to come up with a story that would show complete harmony/unity between morphological features and molecular genetic features. Stay tuned!