Thursday, December 30, 2010

Others have also noticed the difference between fast and slow evolving genes in phylogeny inference

The anthropology blogger Dienekes at had a recent post on Dec 30, 2010 noticing the major difference between slow and fast evolving genes in calculating the time of origin for humans.

It is reassuring to see that others have come to the same conclusion as I have regarding the difference between slow and fast genes. The mere existence of the difference between slow and fast evolving genes is not predicted by the modern evolution theory, which is at best incomplete since it does not cover the situation when maximum genetic distance has been reached. But maximum genetic diversity hypothesis covers it and is therefore a more complete theory. The slow clock method based on this hypothesis has produced phylogeny results dramatically different from the populars ones. The results show that humans separated from the pongid clade 17.3 million years ago. For details, read a preprint here,

Conclusion: all existing molecular interpretations of life trees are based on fast evolving genes and are therefore incorrect. We will not have a correct interpretation until we have reanalyzed the data using our slow clock method based on the MGD hypothesis.

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