Friday, May 1, 2015

Genomics call for papers: Special issue on the functionality of genomic DNAs

I am coediting a special issue on the functionality of genomic DNAs.Genomics call for papers, special issue on the functionality of genomic DNAs

Guest Editors:
Prof. Shi Huang
State Key Laboratory of Medical Genetics
Central South University , China
Prof James Shapiro
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Chicago
The field of genome evolution and population genetics has for the past half of a century assumed that genomic DNA can be divided into functional and non-functional (“junk”) regions. Experimental molecular science has found little evidence for this assumption. A majority of the noncoding parts of the human genome are transcribed, and numerous experimental researchers have now recognized an important functional role in the so called junk DNA regions, such as syn sites, lncRNA, psudogene transcripts, antisense transcripts, microRNA, and mobile elements. In fact, evidence for functional constraints on noncoding genome regions has long been recognized. New theoretical frameworks based on less arbitrary foundations have also appeared in recent years that can coherently account for the reality of far more functional DNAs, as well as all other major known facts of evolution and population genetics. Nonetheless, there still remains a large gap in opinions between bench scientists in experimental biology and those on the theory side in bioinformatics and population genetics. This special issue will aim to close that gap and provide a view of evidence from a perspective that all genome regions have (or can easily acquire) functionality.
The special issue on the functionality of genome will focus on the following tentative topics:
  1. Theoretical foundation for all genome regions to be functional. It will cover both the theory and all major features of genome evolution.
  2. Functional studies on junk DNA regions, including lncRNA sequences, viral DNAs and mobile elements
  3. Functionalities associated with genome spatial organization in the nucleus
  4. Isocores and compositional constraints on genomes
  5. Genetic basis of complex traits and diseases focusing on the collective effects of normal genetic variations
  6. Cancer genomics
  7. Roles of repetitive DNA elements in major evolutionary transitions
  8. Correlations of genome composition and organismal complexity
  9. Epigenetics
10. Evo Devo and extended synthesis
Important dates:
  • First submission date: July 1, 2015
  • Deadline for paper submissions: October 1, 2015
  • Deadline for final revised version: December 1, 2015
  • Expected publication: February 2016
Submission Guidelines
All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted through Elsevier Editorial System located at:
Authors must select << Functionality of genomic DNAs>> at the first step of "Select ArticleType” during submission to ensure that the manuscript is correctly identified for inclusion into this special issue. Guide for Authors or other instructions could be also found on the website.

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